Our Services
Work with us.
We work with industrial businesses and companies in the energy sector across the country to seamlessly provide safety consultation and services. Put us to work on your side.
Want to learn more?
Contact us today to see how we can help you.
Federal law requires that all workers working in designated mine areas receive basic mine safety training, as well as annual refresher training, and meets certain safety standards for the protection of life and prevention of injuries. Pintail Safety is here to assist you with the necessary training and on-site services.
MSHA Services
Pintail Safety is here to help guide you through the many regulations of MSHA. Our range of services in this area include:
MSHA Part 48 New Miner / Refresher Training
MSHA Part 77 (Surface Certification) Initial / Refresher Training
On-Site Safety Observation
On-Site MSHA Part 77 Surface Certified Personnel
Noise Surveys
Gravimetric (Dust) Sampling
Electrical Refresher Training and On-Site Inspection
Contact Us today for more information.
Performance Verifications, Evaluations, Simulations, and Training
Pintail Safety has the experienced staff to manage all aspects of your Safety Program. We manage and coordinate programs for companies throughout the country. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.
Qualifications We Offer:
NCCER; Veriforce; Energy Worldnet; ITS (Industrial Training Services); MEA (Midwest Energy Association); OQSG (Operator Qualification Solutions Group); eWebOQ
Performance Verifications (PV):
Fully equipped indoor / outdoor training facility; Mobile PV equipment; Trailer to conduct PVs at your location