Our Services

Work with us.

We work with industrial businesses and companies in the energy sector across the country to seamlessly provide safety consultation and services. Put us to work on your side.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today to see how we can help you.

Operator Qualifications

The Operator Qualification (OQ) Rule is addressed in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations and it mandates that individuals who perform certain “Covered Tasks” be qualified trough an Operator Qualification Process. The intent of the OQ Rule is to ensure protection of both personnel and the general public. Providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills is essential in order for your business to operate successfully.

Pintail Safety’s OQ Evaluators are authorized by the following major OQ Providers to evaluate and issue your employees their respective qualifications:


  • Veriforce

  • Energy Worldnet

  • ITS (Industrial Training Services)

  • MEA (Midwest Energy Association)

  • OQSG (Operator Qualification Solutions Group)

Pintail Safety’s Performance Verification and Training Facility

Computer Testing & Performance Verification

Pintail Safety is capable of supplying all necessary laptops and tablets for your employees to perform the required computer-based testing for the various OQ providers. Additionally, we can furnish the essential equipment for completing performance verifications for the different covered tasks. Pintail is prepared to deliver this service either at our facility or on-site. Our objective is to ensure that our clients receive the highest level of service and experience to guarantee compliance.

On-site computer testing and performance verifications

O.Q. Administrative Services

Pintail Safety is also staffed and equipped to serve as your in-house OQ Department. A properly run OQ program is critical to the success of your business. Let us manage every aspect of your OQ needs.

As your OQ Administrator, we will:

  • Develop your company-specific OQ Plan

  • Manage your online OQ Databases - removing inactive employees, and ensuring accurate reporting and job assignment, etc.

  • Monitor employee evaluation / qualification status

  • Represent your company at meetings with Pipeline Operators

  • Communicate with Pipeline Operators, whenever necessary, regarding project task lists, compliance issues, etc.

  • Work with Pipeline Operators and / or OQ Providers to satisfy audit requirements

Contact Us today for more information.

Performance Verifications, Evaluations, Simulations, and Training

Pintail Safety has the experienced staff to manage all aspects of your Safety Program. We manage and coordinate programs for companies throughout the country. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

Qualifications We Offer:

NCCER; Veriforce; Energy Worldnet; ITS (Industrial Training Services); MEA (Midwest Energy Association); OQSG (Operator Qualification Solutions Group); eWebOQ

Performance Verifications (PV):

Fully equipped indoor / outdoor training facility; Mobile PV equipment; Trailer to conduct PVs at your location